Fair warning, There is no volume setting

Sailing 101 

Basic Controls

A and D or arrows to turn the wheel 

W to raise the sail  

S to lower the sail

SPACE to dock

You can zoom in and out with the scroll wheel.

Using the wind

The arrow in the top right is the wind direction.

A sail boat cannot  directly sail into the wind. (This is called  being in "Irons")

A "Beam Reach"  is the fastest point of sail.

This is when the boat is perpendicular to the wind. 

Steering Tips

The boat will not go straight, unless the wheel is upright.  (See red bands on the wheel)

It is better to turn the wheel only a little when possible.

The more you turn the wheel the tighter your turn will be

 but the harder the recovery from the turn.


The big ship is 10% slower and has more hit points. 

Its easier to handle and is recommended for sailors who struggle with steering.

The small ship is 10% with less hit points. 

It is faster and better for outrunning the storms 

but harder to maneuver at max speed.


The goal of this game is to find a safe dock and dock the boat before the storms get your ship.

When you are close enough to dock,

the dock Icon will light Up.

press SPACE to dock.

The docks are randomly located near the edges of the map.

Good Luck Sailor!

Thanks for playing my game!

 hope you enjoy, I had alot of fun making it!

press H for hard mode

Published 3 days ago
AuthorStar Pilot 09
GenreAdventure, Simulation


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Amazing game, love the artstyle, nice music.

Love the application of the theme but it is a bit difficult to find the doc unless i missed something but it is not too difficult to avoid the storm either so it's fine.